Friday, September 30, 2005



Whatever you want in life,
you must give up something to get it.
The greater the value,
the greater the sacrifice required of you.
Everything has a price.

There's a price to pay if you want to make things better,
and a price to pay for just leaving things as they are.

Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily.
Work, continuous work and hard work,
is the only way to accomplish results that last.
Use your imagination more than your memory to achieve success.

There is no success at bargain basement prices.
The highway to success is a toll road.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Thursday, September 29, 2005



You always have enough time if you will but use it wisely.
Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time,
it's basically a problem of priorities.
Most people leave undone those things that should be done,
while they do things that they shouldn't be doing.

Set priorities for your goals.
A major part of successful living lies in your ability to put first things first.
Most major goals are not achieved because people put second things first.

Is what you're doing getting you closer to your objectives?
Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time.

Don't serve time, make time serve you.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005



The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread.
Every time you repeat the act you strengthen the strand.
You add to it another filament with each repetition,
until it becomes a great cable
and binds you irrevocably to each thought and act.

First you make your habits
and then they make you.

Your thoughts lead you to your purpose.
Your purpose always manifests into action.
Your actions form your habits.
Your habits determine your character,
and your character fixes your destiny.

Your habits are either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005



Success doesn't come to you.
You must go to it.

You don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity.
What you need is to use what you have.

The golden opportunity you're seeking is in yourself.
It's not in your environment.
It's not in luck or chance or the help of others.
It's in you.

There will always be a new opportunity
where there is an open mind and a willing hand.

You must make your own opportunities.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Monday, September 26, 2005



As a general rule, the most successful people in life
are the one's with the best information.

People with power are people who know how to get things done.
Knowing how to do something is virtually the same as having done it.
Power is the product of understanding.

Knowledge controls access to opportunity and advancement.
There is no knowledge that is not power.

Educate yourself and you build the power to accomplish your goals.
Power gravitates to the one that knows how to do something.

In the land of the blind, the one eye'd man is king.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Sunday, September 25, 2005



People who try to do something and fail
are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.
Experiencing failure is inevitable on your journey to be successful.
Every defeat is merely an installment to victory.

You'll find that the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion
to the number of times you fail and keep trying.
You won't be judged by the number of times you fail,
but by the number of times you succeed.

Failure is nothing but education,
nothing but the first step to something better.

You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Saturday, September 24, 2005



You know what you are today
but not what you may be tomorrow.
Use your imagination and look at things as they can be.

You can do anything you wish to do,
have anything you wish to have,
and be anything you wish to be.

You don't know what you can really do until you try.
All you have to do is to act on your dreams.

You have the power within you to do things
you never dreamed possible.
You would amaze yourself
if you did all the things you're capable of doing.
This power becomes available to you
as soon as you change some of your beliefs.

Success begins in your mind.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Friday, September 23, 2005



Your mind is your mental workshop.
You can build anything you want in it.

Visualize what you want in your mind.
See it. Feel it. Taste it. Believe in it.
Make your mental blueprint and then begin to build.

First, think about what you want out of life.
The beginning always takes place in your imagination.
Then organize your thoughts into definitive plans.
Next, it's time to transform your thoughts into reality
by taking some positive action.

You can live your dreams.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Thursday, September 22, 2005



One of the greatest surprises you'll experience,
is when you discover that you can do
what you were afraid you couldn't do.

Your obstacles will melt away,
if instead of cowering before them,
you make up your mind to walk boldly through them.

Do the thing you fear and fear disappears.
Confront your fears, list them, get to know them
and only then will you be able to put them aside and move ahead.

When you face the things that scare you,
you open the door to freedom.

The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005



Life is really simple,
but we insist on making it complicated.

You can increase your understanding of any subject
by progressing from the simple to the complex.
Divide any complex issue into simple parts,
and master each part and no project will be too difficult.

By understanding the simple,
you can understand the complex.
Solutions are all simple after you have arrived at them.
But they are simple only when you know what they are.

Nothing is more simple than greatness:
for to be simple is to be great.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005



Your success isn't a matter of luck,
it's simply a matter of the choices you make.
Success isn't something you can wait for,
it's something you'll achieve with effort over time.
Things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.

You can choose to be lazy or ambitious.
Stop and think about your choice again.
You always do your own choosing.

The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.
Every situation, properly perceived, is an opportunity for you.

First, say to yourself what you would be,
then do what you have to do to make things happen.

Success is right in front of you.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Monday, September 19, 2005



Don't think about the things you can't do.
Think about the things you can do.
No matter what the level of your ability is,
you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime.

You have powers you never dreamed of.
You can do things you never thought you could do.
There are no limitations to what you can do
except the limitations of your own mind.

Your range of available choices right now is limitless.
Look at things as they can be.
Never say never
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Sunday, September 18, 2005



You don't have to buy from anyone.
You don't have to work at any particular job.
You don't have to participate in any given relationship.
You can choose.

You alone steer the course you choose
in the direction of where you want to be today,
tomorrow or in any distant time to come.
You hold the tiller.

You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time.
No one can ever take that away from you.
You can decide what you want and go after it.
It's always your next move.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Saturday, September 17, 2005



The dreams you choose to believe in come to be.
When you feel in your innermost being
that you will achieve what you set out to do,
you open the way for miracles.

Choose to believe something good can happen.
Expecting it to happen energizes your goal
and actually gives it momentum.
What you expect to happen, happens.

If you expect to succeed, you'll succeed.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Friday, September 16, 2005



Wanting success isn't sufficient enough to get it.
You have to ask yourself,
"What am I going to do to get the things I want?"

Your problem is how to bridge the gap which exists
between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.

You cannot fail with a definite step by step plan,
because each step carries you along to the next step, like a track.
All you need is the plan, the road map,
and the courage to press on to your destination.

You cannot get lost on a straight road.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Thursday, September 15, 2005



To attain success or to reach your goal,
don't worry about having all the answers in advance.
You just need to have a clear idea of your goal and move toward it.

Everyone who got where they are had to begin where they were.
Your opportunity for success is right in front of you.
Don't procrastinate when faced with a difficult problem.
Break your problems into parts and handle one part at a time.

Develop a tendency toward action.
You can make something happen today.
Break your big plan for success into small steps
and take the first step right away.

Success starts with beginning.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005



Sooner or later you'll experience a crisis in your life,
and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success.
Since the beginning of time,
everyone has been called upon to meet such a crisis.

A closer look will show you that most 'crisis situations'
are opportunities to either advance or stay where you are.
In fact, most changes in your life will take place
out of either 'inspiration' or 'desperation.'

Whatever comes your way,
give it meaning and transform it into something of value.
Your personal growth is the process of responding positively to change.

A precious stone cannot be polished without friction,
nor humanity perfected without trials.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Monday, September 12, 2005



Reality forms around your commitment to succeed.
Your desires will in time externalize themselves into concrete fact.

If you're willing to pay the price, any of your circumstances will change.
If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it.

Obstacles don't matter very much.
Pain or other circumstances can be there.
But, if you want something badly enough,
you'll find a way to get it done.

You only have to love a thing greatly to get it.
Desire is the fire of life.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Sunday, September 11, 2005



You must first expect to succeed if you want to succeed.
When you expect good things to happen,
strangely enough, they will happen.

Your expectation energizes your goals and gives them momentum.
Since your life will always respond to your outlook, set your goals high.

The dreams you choose to believe in will come to be.
You can't expect to succeed beyond your wildest expectations
unless you begin with some pretty wild expectations.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Saturday, September 10, 2005



You're more important than any of your problems.
You're bigger than anything that can happen to you.

Great things are accomplished when you believe
that what's inside of you is superior to your circumstances.
What you have outside you counts less
than what you have inside you.

Courage is a special kind of knowledge.
It's the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared
and how not to fear what ought not to be feared. True courage is a result of reasoning.
A brave mind is always impregnable.

Nothing external to you has power over you.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Friday, September 09, 2005



If you believe that you can do something, you can do it.
You must believe in it one hundred percent.
Your mind always sets your limits.
What you believe yourself to be, you are.
What you believe you can be in the future, you can become.

Your self image prescribes the limits for the accomplishment of your goals.
It prescribes the "area of the possible" for you.
Self esteem is the strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness.
Believe you can do it. Believe you deserve it. Believe you will get it.
If you want to be successful,
start thinking of yourself as successful.

The feelings must come first from within you.
It's all in your mind.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Thursday, September 08, 2005



Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.
Don't miss out on an opportunity because you're not prepared.

There is no shortage of opportunity.
Everyday you're presented with countless opportunities to be,
or do whatever you desire.

Your preparation is absolutely essential.
To achieve success, you must have self discipline.
You must increase your knowledge and develop your skills.

When you're prepared,
you're always at the right place at the right time.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005



Real success is achieved when you like what you do.
No one can succeed in any endeavor that they don't like.
If you don't love what you're doing, then don't do it.

Your chances of success are directly proportional
to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.

Do something that you have a deep personal interest in.
Do something you'd enjoy spending twelve to fifteen hours a day
working at, and the rest of the time thinking about.

Don't set compensation as your goal.
Find work you like and the compensation will follow.

Work is not your punishment.
It's your reward, your strength and your pleasure.

When your vocation becomes your vacation,
you'll never work another day in your life.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005



The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this:
decide what you want.

A set definite objective must be established
if you're to accomplish anything in a big way.
There is no achievement without a goal.

The world will turn aside to let you pass
if you know where you're going.

Goals give you a starting place and a destination.
You'll be able to determine what it will cost you to get there
and you'll be going someplace.

Determine what you want.
Decide on your major objectives, targets and destination.
You can plant your own dream with a goal.

Successful people have goals.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Monday, September 05, 2005



Don't be afraid of living.
Your belief that life is worth living
will help you create the fact around you.

There are no real barriers to your success.
You must overcome any doubts you have about your ability.
Your self image prescribes the limits for your accomplishments.
It prescribes the area of what is possible for you.

If you see yourself as prosperous, you will be.
If you see yourself as continually hard up,
that's precisely what you will be.

You can never succeed until you believe you can succeed.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Sunday, September 04, 2005



You cannot always control your circumstances.
But, you can control your own thoughts.
There is nothing either good or bad,
only your thinking makes it so.

Things turn out best for those people
who can make the best out of the way things turn out.
It's not the situation, it's your reaction to the situation.

The reality in your life may result from many outside factors,
none of which you can control.
Your attitude, however,
reflects the ways in which you deal with what is happening to you.

Life at any time can become difficult.
Life at any time can become easy.
It all depends upon how you adjust yourself to life.

What you see in your mind is what you'll get out of life.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Saturday, September 03, 2005



The world is primarily constituted on the basis of harmony.
Everything works in cooperation with something else.

Personal relationships are the fertile soil
from which all advancement, all success,
all achievement in real life grows.

Put yourself in another's place.
Only then will you know why they think and do certain things.
Once you understand how quickly people will grant your requests
when those requests appeal to their self interest,
you can have practically anything you go after.

It's through cooperation not conflict,
that you'll achieve your greatest success.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Friday, September 02, 2005



Your destiny isn't a matter of chance,
it's a matter of the choices you make.
It's not something you wait for,
but rather something you pursue.

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.
Seize common occasions and make them great.
Opportunities sometimes come disguised in the form of misfortune,
or temporary defeat.

You can start where you are.
You're at this moment standing in the middle of opportunity.

If you act on your dreams you can live them.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

Thursday, September 01, 2005



The only way to start to improve your life is to start.
Once you're sure you're on the right road
there is no need to plan your journey too far ahead.
Don't burden yourself with doubts and fears
as to the obstacles that may bar your progress.
You can only take one step at a time.

You don't need to know all the answers in advance.
Just maintain a clear idea of the goal you want to reach
and the answers will come in their own time.

If you can get up the courage to begin,
you'll have the courage to succeed.
It's the job you never start that takes the longest to finish.
Go after what you want and you'll get it.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Can you use more energy? Learn about a NEW
Extreme Body Fuel that is good for you.

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