Monday, January 31, 2005


Don't Make Your Thoughts Your Prisons.

You're more important than any of your problems.
What you have outside you counts less than what you have inside you.

Courage gives you the power to face your difficulties.
It comes from the reserves of your mind
that are more powerful than your outside circumstances.

Your obstacles will look large or small to you
according to whether you are large or small.

Courage gives you the capacity to confront what can be imagined.
It gives you the ability to rise above your present reality.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear,not absence of fear.

When you recognize that you're bigger than your problems,
you'll gain the courage necessary to overcome anything.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Sunday, January 30, 2005


You Determine Your Attitude

Your attitude is not determined by circumstances,
but by how you respond to your circumstances.
You can respond positively or negatively to any situation.

It's how you react to events, not the events themselves,
that determines your attitude.

Any challenge facing youis not as important as your attitude towards it,
for that will determine your success or failure.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Saturday, January 29, 2005


It Takes Persistence To Reach A Goal.

Keep trying' is the rule that must be followed
to be successful at anything.

Your success will always be connected with your actions.
Just keep moving towards your goal.
You'll make mistakes but don't ever quit.
You may even have to hang on after others have let go.

Persistence means taking pains to overcome every obstacle,
to do all that's necessary to reach your goal.

In the end, the only people who fail are those that do not try.

All great achievement takes time.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony MirandaVisit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Friday, January 28, 2005


You Are What You Think.

Your inner thoughts can cause you to be rich or poor,
loved or unloved, happy or unhappy,
attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.

What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitably become.
It's a psychological law that whatever you desire to accomplish
you must first impress upon your subconscious mind.

Relentless, repetitive self talk will change your self image.
You'll affect your subconscious mind with verbal repetition.
Constant repetition carries conviction.

When you change your values you'll change your behavior.
Start thinking of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.
Self suggestion will make you the master of yourself.

You can become whatever you want to be.
If you believe you can, you can.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Thursday, January 27, 2005

It's a universal law: You have to give before you get.
You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest.
The law works to give you back more than you have sown.

When you give to others, you'll find yourself blessed.
The more you sow, the more you reap.

He who obtains has little.
He who scatters has much.

Nature does not give to those who will not spend.
You only get to keep what you give away.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


You Have The Power To Live Your Dreams

The day you take complete responsibility for yourself,
the day you stop making any excuses,
that's the day you start moving down the road to success.

No one else can do it for you.
Only you can make it happen.
You're the only one that has to live your life.

Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility.
It's up to you to choose the thoughts and actions
that will lead you to success.

Your life will be what you make of it.
Nothing will ever happen by itself.
Success will come your way once you realize
that you have to make it come your way by your own actions.

The power to succeed is yours alone.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Happiness Lies In The Joy Of Achievement.

Happiness is a byproduct.
You cannot pursue it by itself.

You were built to conquer your environment,
solve problems, and achieve goals.
You'll find no real satisfaction or happiness in life
without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.

Happiness is in activity.
It's a running river not a stagnant pond.
Happiness is not in having or being,
it's in doing something you love.

The secret of happiness is in having something to do.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Monday, January 24, 2005


Reality Forms Around Your Commitments

Intense anticipation will transform your possibilities into reality.
Strong desires will in time externalize themselves into concrete fact.
Your desires are the precursors of the things
which you are capable of having and doing.

Weak desires will bring you weak results,
just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.
The intensity of your desire governs the power
with which your energies will be directed.

When you care enough for a given result,
you'll almost certainly attain it.
All of your dreams can come true,
if you have the courage to pursue them.

Reality forms around your commitments.
Desire is the starting point for success.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Today is the time for action.

You must be ready when opportunity comes before you.
Luck is the time when your preparation and opportunity meet.
There is a tide in your affairs, which, when taken at the flood,
will lead you on to fortune and success.

By the law of periodical repetition,
everything which has happened once must happen again
and again and again, not capriciously, but at regular periods,
and each thing in it's own period, and each obeying its own law.

As events tend to repeat themselves,
the tide of opportunity will come to you.
Be prepared and your chance for success is sure to come.
Look around you. Seize an opportunity to change your life.

You can change chance into good fortune if you are ready.
The only sure thing about your luck is that it will change.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Success is determined on the drawing board

It isn't enough to just want to be successful.
You've got to ask yourself:
"What are you going to do to get the things in life you want?"

Your problem is to bridge the distance which exists
between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.
Planning brings your future into the present
so you can do something about it now.

Somewhere there is a map of how it can be done.
All you need is a good plan,
and the courage to press on to your destination.

A well built house started with a definite purpose
and a set of blueprints.
Your plan should provide the pattern for the actions you'll take.

Take time each day to study, think and plan.
Plan your steps, then implement your plan, then review your results.
Do this frequently and make the appropriate alterations to your plan,
and you'll develop the power that will bring you to success.

No one was ever lost on a straight road.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Friday, January 21, 2005


Never Say Never

There is no such thing as no chance.
Don't think about the things you can't do.
Think about the things you can do.

No matter what the level of your ability is,
you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime.

You have powers you never dreamed of.
You can do things you never thought you could do.
There are no limitations to what you can do
except the limitations of your own mind.

Your range of available choices right now is limitless.
Look at things as they can be.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Monday, January 17, 2005


Wanting to win is everything.

Success is connected with continuous action.
It's largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
You're not finished when you're defeated,
you're only finished when you quit.

The most important quality essential to success is perseverance.
It overcomes almost everything, even nature.

You can have a fresh start any time you choose.
’Failure’ is not in the falling down, but in the staying down.
It's not over until it's over.

If you've got the courage to stick it out, you'll attain your goal.
Winning isn't everything, but wanting to is.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Sunday, January 16, 2005


You can see the future with a vision.

Study your present situation thoroughly.
Go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you.
Visualize the consequences which can follow from each course.
Pick out the course which gives you the most promise and go ahead.

Many successful people use this skill of mental visualization.
They mentally run through important events before they happen.

Picture yourself in your minds eye as already having achieved your goal.
See yourself doing the things you'll be doing
when you've reached your goal.
You can put your subconscious to work
toward making your mental pictures come true.
Go over your day in your imagination before you begin it.
You can begin acting successfully at any moment.

See the things you want as already yours.
Think of them as yours, as already in your possession.
You can live your dreams
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


A Good System Shortens The Road To A Goal

Having an intelligent plan is your first step to success.
With a plan, you know where you're going.
You'll know what progress you're making.
And you'll have a pretty good idea of when you can expect to arrive.
Meticulous planning will enable everything you do
to appear spontaneous to other people.

Your goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan.
One in which you fervently believe,
and upon which you will vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.

What do you want to achieve or avoid?
The answers to these questions are your objectives.
How do you go about achieving your desired results?
The answer to this will be your strategy.

A good plan permits you to frame your life
so that at some time in the future
fact and your dreams will meet.

Success or failure is often determined on the drawing board.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


You Can Make Your Dreams A Reality.

You have the power and the opportunity to change your life.
You can make anything you want of it.
It's not difficult, it just takes some effort.

See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.
Develop a personal plan that focuses on what you want,
not on what you have.

Your imagination will show you how to turn your possibilities into reality.
Visualize your goals and your subconscious will begin to work
toward making those mental pictures come true.
If you picture yourself vividly as winning,
that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.

Knowing your destination is all you need to get there.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Monday, January 10, 2005


See Things As You Would Have Them Be

If you don't have a dream,
how are you going to make it come true?

By visualizing your goals,
you'll get your subconscious to work
toward making those mental pictures come true.

You'll gradually grow into the conditions you desire,
provided you first make yourself in habitual mental attitude
the person who corresponds to those conditions.

Walk boldly and confidently in the direction of your dreams,
and make every effort to live the life you imagine,
and you'll meet with success unexpected in common hours.

Far away, there in the sunshine, are your highest aspirations.
Believe that you can reach them,
look up and see their beauty, believe in them,
and try to follow where they lead.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible
is to go beyond them into the impossible.
You are the one who can stretch your horizon.

©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

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