Saturday, February 26, 2005



Your dreams are a vision of where you'll be after the battle;
your prize at the end of your journey to success.
Your goals are the steps you take to finally attain your prize.

Unless you're willing to work hard
and establish some discipline in your life,
all of your dreams will be pipe dreams,
little mental fantasy trips that will never materialize.

Make concrete steps toward fulfilling your ultimate dream,
and start with solid objectives called goals.
Your dreams are where you want to go,
your goals are how you get there.

The indispensable first step
to getting the things you want out of life is this:
decide what you want.

Don't be afraid to think big and dare to be great.
Dreamers are not content with mediocrity.
They never dream of going half way.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Friday, February 25, 2005


Who Is Going To Be The Master Of Your Life?

Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better,
you have to take things into your own hands.
Once you decide to be at the level of choice,
you take responsibility for your life and gain control of it.

You're in control of your life to the degree that you make the decisions.
If you let others make decisions for you, you have no control.
When you control the decisions, you control the actions.

Take charge of your life.
You don't have to ask permission of other people.
Don't give someone veto power over your life.

If you don't run your own life, someone else will.
If not you, then who?
If not now, then when?
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Where There's A Will, There's A Way.

You are never given a wish
without also being given the power to make it come true.

The achievement of your goal is assured
the moment you commit yourself to it.
If you have the desire, you have the power to attain it.

You can have anything you want in life
if you will sacrifice everything else for it.
Your dreams can come true if you pursue them.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


You Must Dream Big And Think Big To Be Big.

High expectation always precedes high achievement.
You're as small as your controlling desires,
or as great as your dominant aspirations.

Once your mind stretches to a new idea
it never goes back to its original dimensions.
Think little goals and you can expect little achievement.
Think big goals and you'll win big success.

The first ingredient of your success is to dream a great dream.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


There Is Always Another Choice.

You don't have to buy from anyone.
You don't have to work at any particular job.
You don't have to participate in any given relationship.
You can choose.

You alone steer the course you choose in the direction
of where you want to be today, tomorrow or in any distant time to come.
You hold the tiller.

You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time.
No one can ever take that away from you.
You can decide what you want and go after it.
It's always your next move.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Monday, February 21, 2005


There Are No Short Cuts To Success.

There's a price to pay if you want to make things better,
and a price to pay for just leaving things as they are.

Whatever you want in life, you must give up something to get it.
The greater the value, the greater the sacrifice required of you.

Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily.
Work, continuous work and hard work,
is the only way to accomplish results that last.
Use your imagination more than your memory to achieve success.

There is no success at bargain basement prices.
Everything has a price.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Sunday, February 20, 2005


You Are What You Do.

The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread.
Every time you repeat the act you strengthen the strand.

You add to it another filament with each repetition,
until it becomes a great cableand binds you irrevocably to each thought and act.

First you make your habits and then they make you.

Your thoughts lead you to your purpose.
Your purpose always manifests into action.
Your actions form your habits.
Your habits determine your character,
and your character fixes your destiny.

Your habits are either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Opportunity Is All Around You

The people that really succeed in the world
are the people who look for the circumstances they want.
And, if they can't find them, they make them.

The lure of the distant and the difficult can be deceptive.
The great opportunity in your life is where you are right now.
Properly perceived, every situation can become an opportunity for you.

Your destiny isn't a matter of chance,
it's a matter of choice.
It's not something you wait for,
but rather something you achieve with effort.

You're surrounded by opportunity,
but things won't turn up in this world until you turn them up.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Friday, February 18, 2005


You Can Because You Think You Can.

Your range of available choices right now has no limits.
The only limits you have are in your mind.
You've got it in you to succeed.
Just make up your mind and stick with it.

You weren't born with any limits on your powers
or any set limits to your capacity.At any moment,
you have more possibilities than you can act upon.

Imagine your possibilities and your vision expands.
Capture your dreams in your mind and your life becomes full.
Reach out and touch the limits of your being in your mind.

Look at things as they can be.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Thursday, February 17, 2005


To Choose Time Is To Save Time.

You always have enough time if you will but use it wisely.
Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time,
it's basically a problem of priorities.

Most people leave undone those things that should be done,
while they do things that they shouldn't be doing.

Set priorities for your goals.
A major part of successful living lies in your ability to put first things first.
Most major goals are not achieved because people put second things first.

Is what you're doing getting you closer to your objectives?
Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time.

Don't serve time, make time serve you.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Preparation Is The Secret To Confidence

With practice you'll come to a point of competence.
You'll find yourself accomplishing your goals
gracefully and confidently.

It's then that you'll do things that you never dreamed you could do.
You'll discover powers you never knew existed.
If you're prepared, you're able to feel confident.

There can be no great courage
when there is no confidence or assurance.
Half the battle is in the conviction
that you can accomplish what you undertake.

Confidence doesn't come out of nowhere.
It's the result of constant work and dedication.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


The Highway To Success Is a Toll Road.

Success cannot be coaxed or bribed.
It's the offspring of drudgery and perserverance.
Pay the price for success and it's yours.

This world is run with far too tight a rein for luck to interfere.
Fortune sells her wares, she never gives them.
In one form or other, you pay for her favors or you go away empty.

Everything you want in life has a price connected to it.
There's a price to pay if you want to make things better,
a price to pay for just leaving things as they are,
a price for everything.

Nature cannot be tricked or cheated.
She'll give up to you the object of your struggles
only after you have paid her price.

There is no victory at bargain basement prices.
©2005 by Max SteingartReproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Monday, February 14, 2005


Life In Abundance Comes Only Through Great Love.

There is no force more potent than love.
Take away love and your world is a tomb.
Your life echoes emptiness without love.
With it, your life will vibrate with warmth and meaning.
Even during hardship, love will shine through.

As you look back upon the events in your life
you will find that the moments that stand out,
the moments when you have really lived,
are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love.

If you have it, you don't need to have anything else,
and if you don't have it,it doesn't matter what else you have.

Therefore, search for love.
Once you have learned to love, you will have learned to live.
Love is the most important ingredient to your success
©2005 by Max SteingartReproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Sunday, February 13, 2005


You Won't Get Anywhere Without A Goal.

A life without purpose is like a ship without a rudder.
The purpose of a goal is to focus your attention.
Your mind will reach toward achievement only when it has a goal.
There is no achievement without goals.

Establish a goal worth working for.
Your goal will keep you going in tough times.
Always have something ahead of you.

Continuously visualize your next step.
Keep moving after you achieve your goal and set another.
Momentum is maintained by always having something to look forward to.
Constantly give yourself something to work for.

Do what you can do well,
and do well whatever you can do.
You can plant your dream with a goal.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Personal Growth Is Inevitable.

You'll experience personal growth on the road to success.
All growth means change and change involves risk.
You grow because you struggle,
learn and overcome your obstacles.

What happens to you is not as important
as how you react to what happens.
Everything you'll experience "good or bad" has value.

Difficulties in life are the things that show you what you are.
Trouble is the common denominator of living.
It's the great equalizer of life.

Only when you are no longer afraid will you begin to live.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Friday, February 11, 2005


Your Life Will Respond To Your Outlook.

The dreams you choose to believe in come to be.
When you feel in your innermost being
that you will achieve what you set out to do,
you open the way for miracles.

Choose to believe something good can happen.
Expecting it to happen energizes your goal
and actually gives it momentum.
What you expect to happen, happens.

If you expect to succeed, you'll succeed
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Thursday, February 10, 2005


You Are Your Environment.

Always be mindful that you're a product of your environment.
So choose an environment that will best develop you
toward your objective.

Analyze your life in terms of your environment.
Are the things around you helping you toward your success,
or are they holding you back?

The first step toward getting somewhere
is to decide that you're not going to stay where you are.
You're not a captive of your environment.

If you don't like where you are, you can make some changes.
You're not planted permanently in the ground like a tree.
Don't say, "You would, if you could,"
start saying, "You will, because you can."

When you become a part of anything it becomes a part of you.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Success Is A State Of Mind.

If you truly want to be successful,
start thinking of yourself as successful.

The only thing that stands between you
and what you want from life,
is simply the will to try it
and the faith to believe that it is possible.

There is nothing on earth that you can't have,
once you mentally accept the fact that you can have it.

The feeling must come first.
If you actually feel successful,
if you have a deep inner conviction
that you'll always have all that you need, it will be so.

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe in,
your mind can help you achieve.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Action Is Required If You Want To Be Successful.

The only way to start to improve your life is to start.
Once you're sure you're on the right road
there is no need to plan your journey too far ahead.
Don't burden yourself with doubts and fears
as to the obstacles that may bar your progress.
You can only take one step at a time.

You don't need to know all the answers in advance.
Just maintain a clear idea of the goal you want to reach
and the answers will come in their own time.

If you can get up the courage to begin,
you'll have the courage to succeed.

It's the job you never start that takes the longest to finish.
Go after what you want and you'll get it.
Eighty percent of success is showing up.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Monday, February 07, 2005


You Have To Think Big, If You Want To Be Big

High achievement always takes place
in the framework of high expectation.
You'll always hit what you aim for in the long run.
So why not aim high?

Have the courage to follow your dreams.
It's the first step towards attaining your destiny.

The empire of your future resides in your mind.
If you don't have a dream,how are you going to make it come true?

Big thinking precedes big achievement.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Find The Good Side To Every Situation.

You cannot have the success without the failures.
Any experience can be transformed into something of value.
Everything depends on the way you look at things.

In all of your adversities lies the seeds of equivalent advantages.
In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the next time.

What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you
can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined.

View your problems as opportunities.
When it's dark enough you can see the stars.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Don't Believe In Miracles, Depend On Them.

You don't need an explanation for everything.
There are such things as miracles,
events for which there are no ready explanations.

Future knowledge may explain these events quite simply.
Any form of sufficiently advanced technologycan be quite indistinguishable from magic
when it's introduced for the first time.

Seeing, hearing, feeling are all miracles
as well as each part of you.
Seeing is not always believing.
You know much more than you understand.

Have the vision to see invisible things.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Friday, February 04, 2005


Dreams Come True If You Pursue Them.

Reality forms around your commitments.
The achievement of your goal is assured
the moment you commit yourself to it.

Obstacles don't matter very much.
Pain or other circumstances can be there,
but if you want something bad enough,
you'll find a way to get it.

Plant the seed of desire in your mind
and it will form a nucleus with the power to attract to itself
everything needed for its fulfullment.

You're never given a wish
without also being given the power to make it come true.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.

Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Nothing Is Impossible To A Willing Heart.

You can do anything in this world you want to do,
but you must want to do it badly enough.
You really can have everything you want, if you go after it.
You have to want it.

The first ingredient of success is desire.
Do you know what you want?
Your desire is the planting of your seed.

Your desire for success must be so strong within you
that it's the very breath of your life.
It must be your first thought when you wake in the morning,
and your last thought when you go to bed at night.

You can be whatever you make up your mind to be.
What's in your mind is all that counts.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


You Always Have A Chance.

Use your imagination and look at things as they can be.
You know what you are today
but not what you may be tomorrow.

You can do anything you wish to do,
have anything you wish to have,
and be anything you wish to be.
You don't know what you can really do until you try.
All you have to do is to act on your dreams.

You have the power within you to do things
you never dreamed possible.
You would amaze yourself if you did
all the things you're capable of doing.
This power becomes available to you
as soon as you change some of your beliefs.

Success begins in your mind.
©2005 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

I wish for you an awesome week, filled with joy and abundance.
Tony Miranda
Visit My FACE Page To See What I'm All About

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